"She devoted her life to the care, love and education of young children". read the obituary of Lillian, well known and much loved Kindergarten teacher of the Elmira School District.
At the time of her passing in July of 2012, Lillian requested memorial donations to the G. Raymond Shepardson Fund at Arnot Medical Center.
This fund had been established to honor and remember Lillian's beloved husband of 60 years who was Elmira's retired postmaster. The Shepardsons had been loyal, generous donors to Arnot and were deeply interested in supporting and advancing the medical center's cardiac services.
Lillian consulted with her attorney on multiple occasions and established a charitable remainder unitrust (CRUT) to benefit the G. Raymond Shepardson Fund. In addition to providing charitable giving, the CRUT offers many financial benefits. During her lifetime and that of her stepsons, the CRUT would provide them income. Further, the appreciated assets used to fund the trust were not subject to capital gains tax. Upon Lillian's and her stepsons' passing, the remaining money in the trust would be transferred to the G. Raymond Shepardson Fund to support and enhance cardiac services at Arnot Health. Lillian's attorney created the trust documents and the funds used to establish the trust were managed by a local bank.
Today, our community has benefitted not only from the sound educational foundation Lillian instilled in her students, but also from state-of-the-art cardiac technology and services her generosity provided.
With thoughtful planning you too can accomplish what Lillian did.
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